Six Questions About Kathy Barnette
1. The name of her hometown:
Kathy grew up in Repton, Alabama.
2. Where was she an adjunct professor?
Kathy was an adjunct professor at Judson University in Illinois .

3. When was she in officer candidate school?
Kathy was accepted into Officer Candidate School. She went through the rigorous process of applying, being vetted and interviewed. She was accepted, but she did not finish the program because she got married. Kathy has never claimed to have graduated from Officer Candidate School.
4. What financial institutions did she work at?
Kathy spent time working at A.G. Edwards & Sons and Bank of America Capital Asset Management after graduating from Troy State University.
5. When did she move from Virginia to Pennsylvania?
Kathy never lived in Virginia. The statement from her book, Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America, was an unfortunate typo that was caught after the book was sent to print. Kathy and her family have lived in Pennsylvania for over 9 years.
6. Did she graduate from Troy State University?
Yes. Kathy graduated with her B.S. degree in Finance. She also graduated with an MBA from Fontbonne University.
Military Service
Kathy proudly served her country in the military from 1990 to 2000. She has an Honorable Discharge from service in the Army Reserves and the National Guard.
Other Things You Want to Know
Kathy Barnette has NEVER Supported BLM Inc. or their calls to Defund the Police
Kathy Barnette has been vocal about her views against BLM Inc. and their calls to defund the police. She has never wavered in her position on these issues. The article, “Does Kathy Barnette Really Support BLM & Defunding the Police?” by Michelle Edwards addresses the vicious and intentional smear campaign that has been launched against Kathy that falsely accuses her of supporting BLM Inc.
Here are direct links to two articles that address the false accusations: (Click the titles below)
Does Kathy Barnette Really Support BLM & Defunding the Police?
The Emancipation Statue in Washington, D.C. and a petition
In the summer of 2020, the Left was calling for the removal of statues across our nation.
One of the statues they targeted was the Emancipation Memorial Statue. The statue portrays President Lincoln standing above a former slave as he begins to rise from a kneeling position.
Here are a few of the headlines from that time:
Rally at Emancipation Monument calls for removal of statue, engaging in conversations on race
It was at this time that Kathy Barnette took a stand to save the Emancipation Statue. In a petition that she launched on, she wrote,
“There is an effort to remove [the statue] because many people feel that it depicts the freed slave in a perpetual subservient position. This is a concern that should be addressed, however, tearing down what represents our past is not the answer for our nation’s future. Instead, the best way to heal our nation is to continue to tell its story. This is why we’re proposing new markers and monuments that display America’s evolution as it continues down that path of becoming a more perfect union.”
Kathy proposed the erection of two new statues to serve as powerful visuals to all, of the progress that has been made in our country.
1. She proposed a statue of America’s first black president be built near the Emancipation Statue and placed in such a way that the former slave, rising from kneeling, is looking toward the first black president, Barack Obama, standing with his family. It would serve as a powerful visual to all of how far our country has progressed in racial relations.
2. She also proposed a statue of Frederick Douglass, one of the most prominent leaders of the Abolitionist Movement.
You can read the petition in its entirety HERE.
Hear Kathy in her own words discuss the Emancipation Statue, the suggestion of a statue of Fredrick Douglass, and another statue of our nation’s first black president, Barack Obama. In addition, she discusses her beliefs on the fact that our country is not systemically racist, her views against BLM Inc., and more.
Bobby Gunther May 16, 2022
Off to Vote for Trump in 2016!